
This program is level sensor.
It transmits in Seatalk(tm) network protocol.


Initial diagnostic sequence:
* Flashes the card address 1-4 flashes.
* One second pause.
* Without powering the probes, flashes shorted FETs in physical order starting from the LED side of the card
* One second pause.
* Powering the probes, flashes FETs in the on-state to show liquid level.
* One second pause.
* Normal operation thereafter.

The following Seatalk protocol is extracted from Thomas Knauf's web site:

Message protocol
* Each 4800 baud message contains between 3 and 18 characters:
* COMMAND byte (the only byte with the command-bit set)
  ATTRIBUTE byte, specifying the total length of the message in the least significant nibble:
      Most  significant 4 bits: 0 or part of a data value
      Least significant 4 bits: Number of additional bytes beyond the mandatory data byte
  DATA byte (mandatory, meaning than the smallest message is 3 bytes)
  DATA bytes (optional, up to 15 additional data bytes, meaning that longest messages is 18 bytes)

Serial Data Transmission
11 bits are transmitted for each byte:
  * 1  Start bit (0V)
  * 8  Data Bits (least significant bit transmitted first, bit ON = +12V)
  * 1  Command/Data bit (+12V if command byte, 0V if other)
  * 1  Stop bit (+12V)

Collision Management
Bus should be idle for at least 2mS (+12V for at least 10/4800 seconds).
Listens to it's own transmission and recognizes when its message has
been corrupted by a second talker. In this case it abandons the remaining
bytes in the message, waits for the bus to become free again, and then
retransmits the whole message.

FE 01 0x yy     Tank address x is yy percent full

                 +5   +5
                  |    |
                  14   4
     PP  ----6-|          |-17-- out to Seatalk (transistor driver)
     P0  ----7-|          |-18-- in from Seatalk (transistor buffer)
     P1  ----8-|          |
     P2  ----9-|          |
     P3  ---10-|  16F628  |
     P4  ---11-|          |
     A0  ---12-|          |
     A1  ---13-|          |         A0   A1
  4MHz XTAL-15-|          |       0  f   f
       XTAL-16-|          |       1  0   f
                ----------        2  f   0
                     5            3  0   0

               |                          |
               |     BOARD LAYOUT         |
               |                          |
          100% | O                        |
           80% | O                        |
           20% | O                        |
           60% | O                      O | +12V
           40% | O                      O | Data
   Probe Power | O                      O | Gnd


/* The following include should contain 16F84 or 16F628. */
#include < 16F628A.h >
#include < jonsinc.h >


#use fast_io ( A )
#use standard_io ( B )
#use delay ( clock = 6000000, restart_wdt )

#byte PORT_A  = 5
#byte PORT_B  = 6
#bit TX_OUT   = PORT_A.0
#bit RX_IN    = PORT_A.1
#bit LED      = PORT_A.2

#define PROBE_POWER    PIN_B0
#define PROBE_20       PIN_B1
#define PROBE_40       PIN_B2
#define PROBE_60       PIN_B3
#define PROBE_80       PIN_B4
#define PROBE_100      PIN_B5
#define ADDR_0         PIN_B6
#define ADDR_1         PIN_B7
#define CMD            1
#define DATA           0
// determine unused seatalk message number

void MeasureLevel ( void );
void Blink ( char cFlag );
void SendMsg ( char cData );
char SendByte ( char cError, char cCommand, char cData );
char SendBit ( char cBit, char cError );
void CheckBus ( void );

static char cAddress, cLevel_20, cLevel_40, cLevel_60, cLevel_80, cLevel_100;
static char cBuffer [ 10 ];
static long iLevel;

void main ( void )
        char cX, cY;

        delay_ms ( 150 );                   // wait for 75mS PUT
        TX_OUT = LOW;                       // allow output to float
        LED = LOW;
        set_tris_a ( 0b11111010 );          // A0, A2 are outputs, A1 is input
        output_low ( PROBE_POWER );         // default off
        setup_counters ( RTCC_INTERNAL, WDT_2304MS );   // 256 * 4uS = 1.024mS timer wrap
        port_b_pullups ( TRUE );
        cAddress = input_b();
        cAddress ^= 0b11000000;       // invert bits 6 and 7
        cAddress &= 0b11000000;       // mask on bits 6 and 7
        cAddress >>= 6;    // shift address to 0 bit index
        // blink the card address upon initialization (1, 2, 3, or 4 blinks)
        for ( cY = 0; cY < cAddress + 1; cY++ )
            Blink ( 0 );
        // diag:  blink short if FET is off; long if on
        // blink them in order of 60-40-20-80-100%, RB3-RB2-RB1-RB4-RB5, the physical
        // order on the board of the FETS starting from the LED end, works whether or
        // not the probes are in water because the probe power is low.
        delay_ms ( 1000 );
        output_low ( PROBE_POWER );        // turn probe power off
        MeasureLevel();     // do measures (without turning on probe power) to check for shorted FETs
        Blink ( !cLevel_60 );
        Blink ( !cLevel_40 );
        Blink ( !cLevel_20 );
        Blink ( !cLevel_80 );
        Blink ( !cLevel_100 );
        // diag:  blink short if FET is off; long if on
        // blink them in order of 20-40-60-80-100%, RB1-RB2-RB3-RB4-RB5, the logical order
        delay_ms ( 1000 );
        output_high ( PROBE_POWER );        // turn probe power on to do actual level sensing
        MeasureLevel();     // do measures (without turning on probe power) to check for shorted FETs
        Blink ( cLevel_20 );
        Blink ( cLevel_40 );
        Blink ( cLevel_60 );
        Blink ( cLevel_80 );
        Blink ( cLevel_100 );
        // initialize averaging buffer
        for ( cX = 0; cX < 10; cX++ )
            cBuffer [ cX ] = 0;
        for ( cX = 0; cX < cAddress; cX++ )
            delay_ms ( 300 );                // variable startup delay based on address
        delay_ms ( 2000 );
        // main loop
        while ( TRUE )         // do forever
            // get the reading
            output_high ( PROBE_POWER );        // turn probe power on
            // insert the reading into the buffer
            for ( cX = 0; cX < 9; cX++ )
                cBuffer [ cX ] = cBuffer [ cX + 1 ]; // move value down one location
                cBuffer [ 9 ] = iLevel;        // insert new reading
            // average the readings
            for ( cX = 0; cX < 9; cX++ )
                iLevel += cBuffer [ cX ];        // accumulate readings
            iLevel = iLevel / 10;               // take average
            // send the message
            SendMsg ( iLevel );
            LED = ON;
            delay_ms ( 50 );
            LED = OFF;
            delay_ms ( 950 );
            for ( cX = 0; cX < cAddress; cX++ )
                delay_us ( 1 );         // variable adder delay based on address

void MeasureLevel ( void )
    iLevel = 0;                         // init at zero
    cLevel_20 = OFF;                    // init at zero
    cLevel_40 = OFF;                    // init at zero
    cLevel_60 = OFF;                    // init at zero
    cLevel_80 = OFF;                    // init at zero
    cLevel_100 = OFF;                   // init at zero
    delay_ms ( 2 );                     // delay to allow RC of 1meg resistor to rise
    // each probe simply adds 20% to the total
    if ( input ( PROBE_20 ) == HIGH )   // if 20 probe is immersed
        cLevel_20 = ON;
        iLevel += 20;
    if ( input ( PROBE_40 ) == HIGH )   // if 40 probe is immersed
        cLevel_40 = ON;
        iLevel += 20;
    if ( input ( PROBE_60 ) == HIGH )   // if 60 probe is immersed
        cLevel_60 = ON;
        iLevel += 20;
    if ( input ( PROBE_80 ) == HIGH )   // if 80 probe is immersed
        cLevel_80 = ON;
        iLevel += 20;
    if ( input ( PROBE_100 ) == HIGH )  // if 100 probe is immersed
        cLevel_100 = ON;
        iLevel += 20;
    output_low ( PROBE_POWER );         // turn probe power off

void Blink ( char cLength )
    LED = ON;
    if ( cLength == ON )
        delay_ms ( 800 );
        delay_ms ( 50 );
    LED = OFF;
    delay_ms ( 300 );

void SendMsg ( char cData )
    char cError, cX;

    do {
        CheckBus();                                //wait for bus to be idle
        cError = SendByte ( NO, CMD, SEATALK_MSGNUM );  // command
        cError = SendByte ( cError, DATA, 0x01 );    // 1 extra data byte (4 total)
        cError = SendByte ( cError, DATA, cAddress );   // card address
        cError = SendByte ( cError, DATA, cData );   // level data
        if ( cError == YES )                        // if bit error occured
            for ( cX = 0; cX < 55; cX++ )           // flash LED dimmly for two seconds
                LED = ON;
                delay_ms ( 9 );
                LED = OFF;
                delay_ms ( 27 );
        } while ( cError == YES );                 // repeat if message was corrupted

char SendByte ( char cError, char cCommand, char cData )
    char cX;

    if ( cError != YES )
        cError = SendBit ( HIGH, cError );       // start bit (0V)
        for ( cX = 0; cX < 8; cX++ )
            cError = SendBit ( ~cData & 0x01, cError );  // LSB data bit
            cData >>= 1;                 // shift right
        cError = SendBit ( cCommand ? LOW : HIGH, cError );    // set if command byte, clear if data byte
        cError = SendBit ( LOW, cError );           // stop bit (+12V)
    return ( cError );

char SendBit ( char cBit, char cError )
    char cX, cY;
    // depending on crystal, this code adjusted to give 208uS bit times (4800 baud)
    if ( cError != YES )                // if no incoming error
        TX_OUT = cBit;                  // send bit to output
        for ( cX = 0; cX < 8; cX++ )
            delay_us ( 10 );
            if ( RX_IN == !cBit )       // check if output bit is corrupted by another talker
                return ( HIGH );        // return collision error
        return ( LOW );                 // return no error

void CheckBus ( void )
    char cX;

    for ( cX = 0; cX < 255; cX++ )  // assumes output is floating to +12V for ~5mS
        if ( RX_IN == HIGH )        // check if output bit is corrupted by another talker
            cX = 0;                 // reset count to zero
            restart_wdt();          // CCS compiler doesn't put CLRWDT into short delay_us, apparently
        delay_us ( 7 );